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Sonic 1 Definitive
Sonic 1 Definitive is a hack named by RadiantNexus Team, which seeks to reimagine Sonic 1 by rearranging levels. remixing music, adding features from future games, and readding scrapped ideas in new and interesting ways.
Major features:
- 3 acts of reimagined level design, including one act that has yet to be fully reimagined in any other hack.
- A miniboss.
- Massive art overhaul all over the place.
- Music made by ProjectFM and MechaKnuckles.
- Menus!
- A custom splash screen.
- Inferno: Director, main coder, level designer.
- BladeOfChaos, ManiacShard: Main artists.
- MrLordSith: Some art, pre-rendering.
- Rivet: Secondary coder, responsible for menus and splash screen, hardware testing.
- MCTravis: Sound porting, beta testing, hardware testing.
- RandomName: Help with Sonic 3 level layout format.
- ProjectFM: Music, object and ring managers.
- MechaKnuckles: Music.
- NatThePorcupine: GHZ grass.
- KrazeeTobi: Beta testing, archiving.
- Somario: Beta testing.
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