Mega Man 2 : The Power Fighters
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Mega Man 2 : The Power Fighters


Help our hero recover crucial robotic part that was stolen in Doctor Light’s lab by Doctor Wily . And, if it weren’t bad enough already, he has taken Roll as a hostage! Mega Man and Proto Man go to stop Wily and stumbleupon Duo, the big alien robot, who is willing to help. And Bass, still angry that Wily has revived more Robot Masters, again teams up with the good side to destroy the enemies…

***Updated with 2 player mode so you can play with your friends.



Search for Wily!

  • Bubble Man
  • Heat Man
  • Shadow Man
  • Gyro Man
  • Centaur Man
  • Plant Man

Fortress Boss:

  • Mad Grinder
Rescue Roll!

  • Cut Man
  • Elec Man
  • Dive Man
  • Stone Man
  • Slash Man
  • Shade Man

Fortress Boss:

  • Yellow Devil
Recover parts!

  • Guts Man
  • Air Man
  • Quick Man
  • Gemini Man
  • Pharaoh Man
  • Napalm Man

Fortress Boss:

  • Mecha Dragon

At the end of each story, the player(s) must fight a Wily Machine, which always retains the same strategies regardless of the story chosen (differing only in weakness). Much like Power Battle, following the defeat of the Wily Machine, the player(s) confront Wily inside a Wily Capsule, which must be defeated in the time allotted for additional point

YOu can also check the prequel Mega Man: The Power Battle

Just Have Fun!

How to Play

Only keyboard is required to play this game. Pretend your keyboard is the a game controller.

Press [Space-Bar] after the loading and introduction screen to insert coin, then [ENTER] to PLAY.

Player 1
Inside The Game Your Keyboard
Insert Coin = [Space-Bar]
(Only work after intro. Locked during intro)
Arrrow = [WASD]
Button 1, 2, 3 = [J], [K], [L]
Button 4, 5, 6 = [I], [O], [U]
Player 2
Inside The Game Your Keyboard
Insert Coin = [8 Numpad]
PLAY = [9 Numpad]
Move = [Arrows]
Button 1, 2, 3 = [1], [2], [3] Numpad
Button 4, 5, 6 = [5], [4], [6] Numpad