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FNF: Fruit Ninja Mod
A mod of Friday Night Funkin where Boyfriend enter a Japanese dojo to learn to become a Ninja, the first part of the training is slicing up some fruits and avoiding bombs.
A unique and creative mod where you actually slicing and dicing up fruits. Two reaction combo made in heaven. Just my opinion.
- Fruity – A fairly difficult song with two difficulties: Hard and Master.
- Bombastic – If you can beat this song you are officially E B I C.
Mod Credits:
A free game, so if you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support mod creators anyway you can, for example, subscribing, following, liking, their social media pages.
- Oofator: the idiot that made the mod
- (Subscribe or bf will fart on you)
- Download the mod for your cool PC here
Game Engine:
- Shadow Mario: Main Programmer
- bbpanzu: Additional Programmer
- RiverOaken: Main Artist/Animator
- Also everyone that contributed on GitHub.
Original FNF Credits:
- ninja_muffin99 – Programming
- PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
- kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
- AND everyone that contributed to the GitHub source.
The goal of this web optimized port is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players that can’t otherwise play it on their potato PC, on a Chromebook, on their Mac, on their Linux, or simply can’t run the EXE files on their computer.
If you want a challenge, turn off Ghost Tapping in the settings.
Recommend using Google Chrome to play FNF Mod for the best performance.
Jam to the beats and just have fun!